Smilisca phaeota
(by Camilo Arredondo)
The New Granada cross-banded tree frog (also known as ‘rana bueyera’ in Colombia) is a common medium-size species (40–70 mm) with large limbs and round head and is found from Honduras to Colombia and Ecuador. In Colombia, this species typically inhabits lowlands in the northern Caribbean plains, the Pacific coast, the inter-Andean valleys and the foothills of all three Cordilleras.
This tree frog can be found both in well-conserved forest as well as in open areas modified by human activities. The body coloration of this species varies; however, it can be easily recognized by a dark green line covering the sides of the head through the eyes and extending past the tympanum.
As with most frogs and toads, Smilisca phaeota males are responsible for singing, both in reproductive and defensive situations. Males usually sing while on the surface of small and shallow ponds or near to low-flow streams. This species exhibits great variety in the composition and structure of its call, from differences in the number of notes, duration and pitch of the sound. These call variations are most evident between Central and South America populations. Furthermore, the advertisement call of Colombian populations is characterised by a single note (sporadically two), where the sound produced is like a short call from a calf.