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Leaf-nosed bats
(by Danny Zurc)

Rhynchonycteris naso is an interesting animal from South and Central America. It is an insectivorous species that you can find resting under houses roofs (wood roofs) or wooden logs. Individuals of this species emit ultrasound from 95.0 to 103.5 kHz, which means that they produce high intensity sounds. It is also interesting to see that family members are very ‘organised’: while resting they form a line, one next to the other, as seen in the picture.

Although Rhynchonycteris naso is the scientific name, this animal is also known as ‘proboscis bat’ or ‘long-nosed bat’. Because of this, native people from the Caribbean region in Colombia usually make fun of this species, saying that it looks like a ‘mini-pinocchio’.

Cucusonic works in partnership with The University of Manchester, the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology and In Place Of War, thanks to the support of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). Additional support comes from Finnish institution Kone Foundation (Saari Residence).